Fixed prices so you can plan for your loved ones without surprises.
Jax Estate Planning LLC offers estate planning packages because we do not want our clients to wonder whether they have a comprehensive plan. Each of the services listed below is intended to completely address the concerns of clients. With the appropriate package for you and your loved ones, you do not need to wonder whether your plan addresses all of your concerns.
Free Phone Consultation
Discuss your goals with an attorney to decide if Jax Estate Planning is a good fit.
Will Packages
If your assets are not spread across numerous institutions, you wish to leave assets in equal shares to a few people, and you do not wish to leave assets to minors, a will package could be an appropriate plan for you.
Includes Initial Consultation, Last Will and Testament, Durable Power of Attorney for Property, Health Care Declaration/Living Will, HIPAA Release, Health Care Power of Attorney, and Beneficiary Deed.
Individuals $1650
Couples $1850
Trust Packages
If you wish to leave assets to minors, have more complex plans for the distribution of your assets, or want to ensure that the distribution of your estate remains private, a trust package may be the best plan for you and your family.
Includes Initial Consultation, Revocable Trust, Pourover Will, Durable Power of Attorney for Property, Health Care Declaration/Living Will, HIPAA Release, Health Care Power of Attorney, and Beneficiary Deed.
Individuals $2250
Couples $2450
Individual Document
If you need to update a power of attorney or beneficiary deed, an individual document may be all you need. Please note that the individual document fee is applicable to powers of attorney, beneficiary deeds and affidavits of death. Jax Estate Planning LLC does not prepare wills or trusts as individual documents.